Persahabatan seoarang artis hingga keliang lahat

Selang beberapa hari dari kematian seoarang seniman sejati Mbah surip dan seorang sahabatnya juga mengikuti Mbah surip keliang lahat. Sungguh tragis kalau kita liat dari cerita diatas, tapi apa boleh buat hidup, mati udah Tuhan yang atur.

Semasa hidupnya Mbah surip dan WS Rendra adalah sama - sama seorang seniman juga artis, ketika WS Rendra sedang dirawat dirumah sakit dan Mbah Surip menghembuskan napas terahirnya, tetapi WS Rendra ndak tau kejadian itu... Yang namanya sahabat sampai mati.... selang beberapa hari WS Rendra pun ikut menyusul si sahabat. Konon seketsa wajah Photo artis Mbah Surip laku 25 juta. Selamat Jalan Ws Rendra.

Lovers in Artis

Penetrating partner on top with front entry

Lovers in the missionary position, Gustav Klimt, 1914.
Lovers in the missionary position, Gustav Klimt, 1914.

These positions are primarily used vaginally, although some can also be used for anal sex. The basic position is called the missionary position. In it, the receiving partner lies on their back with their legs apart. The penetrating partner lies on top of the receiving partner, facing them. The following variations are possible:

  • The penetrating partner stands in front of the receiving partner, whose legs dangle over the edge of a bed or some other platform like a table.With the receiving partner's legs lifted towards the ceiling and resting against the penetrating partner, this is sometimes called the butterfly position. This can also be done as a kneeling position.
  • The receiving partner lies on their back. The penetrating partner stands and lifts the receiving partner's pelvis for penetration. A variant is for the receiving partner to rest their legs on the penetrating partner's shoulders.
  • The receiving partner lies on their back, with their legs pulled up straight and their knees near their head. The penetrating partner holds the receiving partner's legs and penetrates from above.
  • Similarly to the previous position, but the receiving partner's legs need not be straight and the penetrating partner wraps their arms around the receiving partner to push their legs as close as possible to their chest. Called the stopperage in Burton's translation of The Perfumed Garden.
  • Like the missionary position, but with the receiving partner's legs tightly closed and the penetrating partner's legs spread. In this position, the couple resembles a peace sign (minus the circle) and so this position is sometimes called by that name.[citation needed]
  • The coital alignment technique, a position where a woman is penetrated vaginally: the penetrating partner enters vaginally in the missionary position and moves slightly forward so that the base of the phallus rubs the clitoris.
  • The receiving partner crosses their feet behind their head (or at least puts their feet next to their ears), while lying on their back. The penetrating partner then holds the receiving partner tightly around each instep or ankle and lies on the receiving partner full-length. A variation is to have the receiving partner cross their ankles on their stomach, knees to shoulders, and then have the penetrating partner lie on the receiving partner's crossed ankles with their full weight. Called the Viennese oyster by The Joy of Sex.